Farmer’s Interest Groups

25 nos Farmers Interest Groups comprising of 250 farmers of Takhatpur block from 10 villages had a common vision to improve rural livelihood by upward integration of their institutions with agribusiness trade and industry. Our efforts in the direction of forming Farmer’s Interest Groups with the support from Ministry Of Corporate Affairs and Agriculture Department (ATMA project) has resulted in the establishment of Takhatpur Agro Producer Company Limited. 

Today, the company has authorized share capital of INR 10, 00,000 and is working towards enhancing income of shareholders (small and marginal farmers) by developing dynamic functional linkages with agribusiness trade and industry and develop support system to enable farmers and their institution to thrive independently in the competitive agribusiness environment. The company is involved in the production, procurement, processing, packing, storage, marketing, selling, distribution and trading of all Agriculture, Horticultural, Vegetables & Spices Crops, their processed products and other allied products like seeds, fertilizers, pesticides etc.